Category Archives: photography

little shepherds.

arzila. september 4, 1952. found.

this photograph is simply amazing. it leads me to believe that pereira da silva wasn’t just shooting for fun; he clearly has a trained eye. the images are spectacular. i especially love the little one in the middle, with his hood on!

hey hey.


alfama. december 2008.

alfama. december 2008.


thanks for checking me out ❤

here’s a brief background:

i graduated from parsons in 2006 with a BFA in photography. and haven’t seriously shot since. this year, in an effort to jumpstart my photo-taking, my resolution is to post a new photograph everyday. ideally, the photo will have been shot that very day. i’m sure some days will have nicer photos than others but the purpose is really to just get shooting. hopefully, i’ll give you some nice pictures to look at. 

p.s. don’t expect this much writing in the future…this blog is going to be primarily photo driven 🙂